Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame

Defenders of the Faith

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Military Decorations

The Kings Cross KC.

It is ordained that the Kings Cross shall only be awarded for most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the face of the enemy.

It is ordained that the Cross may be awarded posthumously.

Flame Star for Gallantry FSG.

It is ordained that the Flame Star for Gallantry shall be awarded for distinguished acts of gallantry in the field and meritorious devotion to his unit and brothers at arms, in the face of the enemy.

Desert Flame Service Medal DFM.

It is ordained that the Kings Service Medal shall be awarded for recognition of sustained meritorious military service to King and country.

Civilian Decorations

Cross for Valour CV.

It is ordained that the Cross of Valour shall be the highest decoration awarded to civilians and only for acts of conspicuous courage and bravery, at great peril to their own life.

Flame Star of the Commonwealth FSC.

It is ordained that the Flame Star of the Commonwealth shall be awarded to civilians for sustained and distinguished leadership in command of men in districts or localities of the realm.

Medal of the Desert Flame.

It is ordained that the Medal of the Desert Flame shall be awarded to civilians of the United Kingdom of Australia. For high achievements and meritorious service and true devotion and unwavering loyalty to town, King, realm and Commonwealth.









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