Most Noble Order of the Desert Flame

Defenders of the Faith

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Our nativity and birth right by our lineage, to the land estate of the Commonwealth of Australia, begins with the Bill of Rights 1688. By the granting of rights and liberties and representing all the estates of the people of the then Imperial Realm of England, France and Ireland and the dominions and territories.

Native Flora

The Desert Flame - Native Flora

Native Fauna

The Black Cockatoo - Native Fauna

The Act of Settlement 1700 saw our faith, laws and liberties confirmed and further secured and continued by the Act of Union 1707 whereby the kingdoms of England and Scotland were united into a single kingdom called Great Britain and again in 1801 with the articles of the Union of Great Britain and Ireland into One Kingdom, named The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The Sovereign and heirs or successors at law to the said Imperial Crown shall be defender of the protestant faith.

The protestant faith by which the people of the colonies of Australia, by humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, did agree to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the same Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and constituted the Commonwealth of Australia, thus continuing and extending the birth right to the land estate of the Imperial Crown in the Commonwealth of Australia with the blessing of Almighty God. Making the men and women native to this land and the heirs to, by right of their lineage.

Royal Standards

The Royal Standard - Australian Imperial Standard

The Commonwealth of Australia, due to our gravely high losses of ANZAC during World War One, took the first steps to full independence and sovereignty at the Treaty of Versailles and was recognised as a full independent member of the League of Nations and declared as a separate Imperial Realm at the Imperial Conference of 1926 and by 1931 all official subordinate government ties with the now named United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, were severed by the Statute of Westminster 1931.

The existing line of authority and birth right of the same Imperial Crown and the Protestant faith, however remained unchanged for the Commonwealth of Australia and the Australian Imperial Crowned Kingdom of Australia.

The ANZAC Parable

Seven Wonders

The ANZAC Book

Wings of Peace

The Australian Imperial Forces

First ANZAC Orders

The ANZAC Book - First Orders





- Secretariat


- Chaplaincy


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Desert Flame